Practical Decarbonization: UC Irvine’s Three-Decade Journey to a Smarter, Greener Campus

By |2025-03-21T20:26:42+00:00March 21st, 2025|Categories: Analytics, Climate Change, Corporate Sustainability, Energy Efficiency, Master Systems Integration, Sustainability|Tags: , , , |

Overview At the 2025 IDEA Campus Energy Conference in Boston, we joined leaders from across the campus energy spectrum, taking to the stage with our long-time client UC [...]

What We Learned at SkyPosium 2024: Building Analytics & Ontologies for Better Performance

By |2024-10-26T17:08:52+00:00October 23rd, 2024|Categories: Analytics, Corporate Sustainability, Cybersecurity, Energy Efficiency|Tags: , , , |

At SkyPosium 2024, Altura’s Data Scientist, Dr. Shadi Tabasi, and I explored key developments and challenges shaping the future of building analytics. From improving data consistency to deploying cutting-edge [...]

Strategies for Making Existing Buildings More Energy Efficient (Video)

By |2024-08-25T15:33:10+00:00December 2nd, 2023|Categories: Analytics, Climate Change, Corporate Sustainability, Energy Efficiency, Master Systems Integration, News and Information, Performance Delivery, Sustainability|

Maximizing existing building energy performance with real-time data Fresh off an incredible experience at #Verge2023, one of Altura's principals and environmental programs leader, Ryan Gaylord, engaged in a [...]

Using Data to Increase Velocity as the World Slows Down

By |2020-06-22T22:40:28+00:00June 22nd, 2020|Categories: Analytics, News and Information|

Altura Principal Jim Meacham contributed an article in the Spring 2020 edition of the Project Haystack Connections Journal. Excerpt: The unprecedented “lock-downs” and stay-at-home orders across the U.S. and [...]

Altura client recognized for Smart Energy Analytics (SEA) Campaign

By |2023-11-13T19:32:30+00:00November 15th, 2019|Categories: Analytics, Corporate Sustainability, Energy Efficiency, News and Information|

With over 80 million square feet of properties that have undergone extensive renovations over the years, pursuing aggressive energy savings goals is a highly complex undertaking for MGM [...]

Altura recognized by DOE as MBCx Provider of the Year!

By |2019-11-21T17:53:21+00:00November 15th, 2019|Categories: Analytics, News and Information|

Altura is thrilled to announce we’ve been selected by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Smart Energy Analytics Campaign as Monitoring Based Commissioning Service Provider of the Year! [...]

How Caltech Transformed into an Integrated Facilities Management Organization

By |2019-05-07T22:04:05+00:00October 18th, 2017|Categories: Analytics, Energy Efficiency|

How Caltech Transformed into an Integrated Facilities Management Organization Caltech recently presented at the Higher Ed Facilities Forum about how they are using data-driven decision making to transform [...]

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