Each year, the Alliance to Save Energy (ASE) honors a select few recipients with their prestigious Star of Energy Efficiency Awards at an annual event in Washington, DC. Altura was proud to attend this year’s ceremony alongside longtime client MGM Resorts as they accepted the “Galaxy Award” in recognition of significant innovations and achievements in energy efficiency.

Altura staff have been engaged with MGM Resorts for the past 8 years in a long term effort to translate corporate sustainability goals into improved building operations, enhanced staff capabilities, and cost savings. A data-driven retro-commissioning approach has been used to identify, implement, and monitor improvements to central plant and major building control systems across tens of millions of square feet of hospitality space. This program to date has delivered more than $650k per year in verified energy cost savings.

Pictured left to right are MGM executives Chris Magee and Henry Shields with Altura Principals Jim Meacham and Greg Shank.